Introduction to Wagtail | Coders of Colour

Session 5 - Configuring a live URL

Regster a new domain

We can register a new domain in AWS Route53 for our website.


Add your domain to the heroku app

Locate your heroku app > settings and scroll down to domains, click add domain and add your new domain.


Also, we can configure SSL for our domain in heroku. Note, this requires a hobby plan. Click configure SSL and choose 'automatic'.

Create a CNAME record in route53

In AWS > Route53, from the left menu go to Hosted Zones. Here is where we can configure the domain for heroku.

Click 'Create Record Set' from the top and create the following record:

name: www type: CNAME value: (your heroku domain dns) E.G

To retrieve the value for this cname, you can copy it from the heroku domain:


Your CNAME record should look like this:


It's necessary to wait for up to 24h for the domain configuration, particularly for heroku's auto ssl which is submitted to LetsEncrypt.

After the above is configured and validated, you should be able to see your website on

Other notes and resources

Verify your DNS settings by running dig cname +short. If it returns something like then it is likely you have set it up correctly. If you are using an ALIAS or ANAME record, you can verify that based on the DNS provider. For instance, DNSimple will return a TXT record showing how your domain’s ALIAS is set-up.


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